Anita McCoy is a dynamic woman that God has raised up to be "His Voice" to the nations! Anita received Jesus Christ in her heart at the tender age of 3 years old, and at 4 years old recalls moments where she encountered realms of the supernatural, including laying on of her hands to see her mother healed. At the age of 12 Anita was water baptized, and gloriously filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost at the age of 14. Anita's parents, both ministers of the Gospel, taught her and her three younger brothers at a very early age, to live a life in total submission and service to the Lord Jesus. Today, Anita and her brothers are all gifted preachers and teachers of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Anita initially received her ministerial license in the early 1990's under the leadership of Bishop Sidney Wheatley at Unity Christian Fellowship in Williamsport, PA and served as an Elder in that local assembly. On December 6, 2002 Anita received ordination as a Prophet and Teacher under the apostolic covering of the late Apostle Debbie Botteicher of Altoona, PA, and Prophet Rick Rannie then of Unity Church of Jesus Christ in State College, PA.
Anita served many years as Praise and Worship Leader in the Body of Christ, carrying out that assignment faithfully for 17+ years in a number of local churches in the North Central part of Pennsylvania. In 2004 Anita was commissioned and released by Pastors Bob and Sandy Lauver of New Life Church in Muncy, PA to fulfill the vision and call of God to 'pray for the city of Erie, PA'. Out of this call was birthed His Echo Ministries in the Spring of 2006.
As a prophet and teacher Anita's ministry began to expand as she realized her passionate call to equip the Body of Christ for works of service and ministry. In 2009, after receiving from the Lord a mandate to restore the ministry of healing to the Body of Christ (2006), Anita opened "The Healing Clinic", a transformation center with an emphasis on apostolic teaching, strategic prayer, deliverance, and prophetic ministry that would result in healing of the 'whole man', spirit, soul and body.
God began to deal with Anita in the Fall of 2013 to "expand" ministry services, and Field of Dreams Harvest Ministries was founded December 2013 in response to the burden of the Lord. Consecrated as an Apostle in 2016, Anita has been faithfully fulfilling her Apostolic mandate to advance the Kingdom of God through apostolic and prophetic equippong and training, with a focus on 'reproducing reproducers' who are properly equipped to fulfill their God-ordained destiny calls and assignments, to GO INTO ALL THE WORLD to preach, teach and demonstrate the 'Kingdom of Heaven is at hand'!
In addition to the work of Field of Dreams Harvest Ministries, produced the Prophetic Voice of Healing Radio Broadcast airing in regions of Pennsylvania and Florida, and has served as Vice President of Leadership Development of NWPA Aglow International for many years.
Simply put Anita loves being sent and used by God. She has ministered in various parts of the United States, as well as East Africa and India. Wherever Anita goes, there are testimonies of souls being restored, lives being changed, ministry gifts being activated and healings taking place, as people are touched by the POWER OF JESUS who is present to HEAL.
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